A Simple & Realistic C Section Hospital Bag Checklist! (For Mom, Dad & Baby 2023) | Motherhood Taught Me (2024)

I completely understand if you are stressing over what to pack in yourupcoming planned or scheduled csection hospital bag!

I was there too!

AlthoughI had an emergency c-section,and there was no way for me to prepare for that in advance,

I was still stressing over what I should pack in my hospital bag and when we (hubby and I) should have them ready?!

So, I know the feeling of wanting to make sure you bring everything you need to make your hospital stay as comfortable as possible.

But the truth isyou don’t need much!

I packed everything I needed in my c section hospital bag the first time around, and I didn’t even know what I would need!

That should tell you a lot!

This is why I believeit’s essential to research the hospital you will be giving birth in before you give birth!

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A Simple & Realistic C Section Hospital Bag Checklist! (For Mom, Dad & Baby 2023) | Motherhood Taught Me (1)

Related Post: 18 Do’s and Don’ts After C- Section!

Because even though I didn’t prepare my hospital bag for a c-section birth,my hospital(in NYC)provided me with everything I needed during my stay!

(Expect a hairstylist, which I could have used since Charlie didn’t even know how to tie my hair up into a ponytail! Lol).

In this post,I will share what items my hospital provided me with, plus a checklist of everything I would’ve liked to have in my c section hospital bag.

This way,you can decide what you should and shouldn’t pack in your c section hospital bag to make your c-section hospital stay more comfortable.

Let’s get into it!

Table of Contents

How to Prepare for Hospital Stay After C-Section?

Before you start packing everything in your house into your hospital bag,

I would recommend you firstask your doctor or the hospital where you will have your c-section the following questions:

  • What do they provide in your hospital stay after a c-section for you, your partner (Dad), and your baby?
  • Will you be sharing a room with another mom?
  • Does your room have a bathroom and shower combo?
  • Is Dad able to stay overnight?

After having these questions answered, you will know exactly what to pack in your c section hospital bag from the list I provided below.

A Simple & Realistic C Section Hospital Bag Checklist! (For Mom, Dad & Baby 2023) | Motherhood Taught Me (2)

How Many Days Do You Stay in the Hospital after Giving Birth C-Section?

A hospital stay after a c-section delivery is2-4 daysin the U.S.

I was in the hospital for six days,two induction days (becauseI was planning for a vagin*l birththat later turned into an emergency c-section), and four c-section recovery days.

When Should You Pack Your C Section Hospital Bag?

Most scheduled/planned c-sections occur around 39 weeks, but a baby is considered full term at 37 weeks.

Therefore,most doctors recommend you have your hospital bags packed by 37 weeks in caseyou have to go into the hospital sooner.

A Simple & Realistic C Section Hospital Bag Checklist! (For Mom, Dad & Baby 2023) | Motherhood Taught Me (3)

What Size Bag is Best for Hospital Bag?

Your hospital bag should not be bigger than a carry-on bag.

You will spend most of those days in a hospital gown, so you don’t have to pack like you would for a vacation.

Favorite Hospital bags on Amazon:

Mom & Baby


A Simple & Realistic C Section Hospital Bag Checklist! (For Mom, Dad & Baby 2023) | Motherhood Taught Me (4)

During My Hospital Stay I Was Provided With The Following:

1. A private room/suite

2. Hubby was able to stay with me the whole time until I was discharged.

3. Private bathroom and shower.The bathroom had:

  • pads
  • mesh underwear,
  • peri bottle,
  • toothbrush,
  • toothpaste,
  • shampoo,
  • conditioner,
  • bar soap.
  • towel

4. They provided me with a belly band (that I noticed on the day I was discharge but was able to take home)

5. Pain medications and stool softer (of course)

6. Breast pump (upon request) including bottle and nipples to feed baby.

7. Dad was provided with:

  • Sofa bed (not too comfortable)
  • pillow

8. Baby was provided with:

  • Diapers size 1
  • Diaper cream
  • wipe cloth
  • Formula for baby
  • Onesies but too big for newborn
  • Multiple hospital baby blankets

I know hospitals will not provide the same things, and this is why when preparing for birth, you shouldask your OB doctor at your first prenatal visit all the essential questions like,what hospital are they affiliated with?”

This way, you canresearch the affiliated hospitaland decide whether that hospital meets your standards or not.

A Simple & Realistic C Section Hospital Bag Checklist! (For Mom, Dad & Baby 2023) | Motherhood Taught Me (5)

What Should You Pack in Your C Section Hospital Bag?

Mom Hospital Bag

A Simple & Realistic C Section Hospital Bag Checklist! (For Mom, Dad & Baby 2023) | Motherhood Taught Me (6)

Important Documents

  • Health Insurance Card (Mom & Baby)
  • State ID (Mom & Dad)
  • Baby Pediatricians Info
  • Pre-registration paperwork

Mom’s Toiletries

Mom & Dad Eye Care (if applicable)

Mom’s C-section Going Home Outfit

Great going home outfits for moms after a c-section will beloose clothes, especially around the incision area.

Choose things likedress, leggings, or sweatpants that don’t roll down or put pressure on your abdomen or incision when you are sitting in the car.

Here are some options from Amazon:

Outfit #1

Outfit #2

Outfit #3

Dad Hospital Bag

A Simple & Realistic C Section Hospital Bag Checklist! (For Mom, Dad & Baby 2023) | Motherhood Taught Me (7)

Dad’s Toiletries

Dad Sleepover Necessities

Dad’s Electronics & Accessories

Baby Hospital Bag

A Simple & Realistic C Section Hospital Bag Checklist! (For Mom, Dad & Baby 2023) | Motherhood Taught Me (8)

When deciding on baby clothes size,I recommend you ask your doctor in the last few weeks, “what is the expected weight of your baby at birth”so that you can bring something that will fight your baby well.

My daughter’s expected weight at birth was 7lb-7.5lbs, and as my OB predicted, she weighed 7lbs 1 oz at birth.

Therefore, I brought baby onesies and clothes, size newborns.

(She wore newborn size for the first month and a half, and then I got 0-3months).

Hospital Bag Snacks

A Simple & Realistic C Section Hospital Bag Checklist! (For Mom, Dad & Baby 2023) | Motherhood Taught Me (9)

Mom, stick to healthy snacks and foods because you don’t want to have trouble going to the bathroom after a c-section!

Breastfeeding Items

When it comes to breastfeeding items, you don’t have to bring much becausemost hospitals have a hospital-grade breast pump and lactation consultants you can take advantage of if you like.

I took advantage of the lactation consultant afterstruggling to get my daughter to latch.

The LC also brought me the hospital-grade breast pump during my stay (including bottles, nipples, bottle caps for storing bottles, and a manual pump).

If your hospital does not provide you with a breast pump, then you can bring your own light weight portable breast pumping like the Willow, Bellababy or BabyBuddha.

A Simple & Realistic C Section Hospital Bag Checklist! (For Mom, Dad & Baby 2023) | Motherhood Taught Me (10)

Extra Items You Can Bring In your C Section Hospital Bag (but don’t really have too!)

  • Stool softener
  • Gas pills
  • Underwear pads
  • Breastfeeding pillow
  • Belly band
  • Make up
  • Non-Slip Socks or Slippers
  • Shampoo and Conditioner
  • Gum

Here are my thoughts on why you don’t need to bring the items list here:

Stool softer and Gas pills

Your doctor will provide this at the hospital.

Underwear pads

The hospital also provides you with mesh underwear and pads, which are already included in your stay, so why not use them!

Breastfeeding pillow

When it comes to a breastfeeding pillow, you can use a pillow from your hospital bed to help support your baby if you need it for the days you’re in the hospital.


You can bring a belly band if your hospital doesn’t provide one or if you have a particular brand of belly band you like.

But,I found wearing belly bands more comfortable when I wasn’t in bed(which you will be in the hospital), so it will be of better use after you go home and walk or stand for more extended periods.


Due to the discomfort and pain you will be feeling while recoveringfrom your c-section,the last thing on your mind will be to put on makeup.

Now, if you are someone who would do it anyway, then go for it!

Non-Slip Socks or Slippers

Most hospitals in the U.S provide you with non-slip socks, so you might as well use them while you are there and then through them out once you are discharged. But, of course, you’ll be in bed most of the time anyway.

However, if you feel more comfortable with slippers, then bring them.

Shampoo and Conditioner

It’s not something you can do yourself since it’s hard reaching over your head after a c-section, so someone else will have to do it for you. Plus, you won’t want to be standing in the shower long enough to get it all done, trust me!

So, I would say wait till you get back home.

Last Thoughts

If you pick an excellent birth team and hospital, you can trust them to tell you what you’ll need during birth and your postpartum care.

Therefore, avoiding the need to bring things you most likely won’t use.

For most expecting moms reading this, I know this may not be your first c-section.

But I also want to welcome new expecting moms who may experience a scheduled, unplanned, or emergency c-section since almost32 percent of births occur in c-section.

Thank you again for being here, I hope this post was helpful.

Don’t forget to get your free printable c-section hospital bag checklist below!

A Simple & Realistic C Section Hospital Bag Checklist! (For Mom, Dad & Baby 2023) | Motherhood Taught Me (11)

A Simple & Realistic C Section Hospital Bag Checklist! (For Mom, Dad & Baby 2023) | Motherhood Taught Me (12)

A Simple & Realistic C Section Hospital Bag Checklist! (For Mom, Dad & Baby 2023) | Motherhood Taught Me (13)

A Simple & Realistic C Section Hospital Bag Checklist! (For Mom, Dad & Baby 2023) | Motherhood Taught Me (2024)


How do you pack a hospital bag for a C-section? ›

What to pack in your hospital-stay bag
  1. your own nightgown and/or robe.
  2. nursing bras or tanks and nursing pads (if you plan to breastfeed)
  3. another pair of non-slip socks and/or slippers.
  4. rubber shower shoes.
  5. toiletries (i.e., toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, conditioner, etc.)
Jul 21, 2020

What to wear to a scheduled C-section? ›

Have clean pajamas, under pants and clothes ready to wear. Our clothes, sheets and towels collect bacteria from our skin. We want you to take two showers/baths: one the night before your C-section and one in the morning before coming to the hospital.

How many maternity pads do I need after a C-section? ›

You may need as many as 24 pads, though you may want to buy more than this and keep some at home for when you leave hospital. Baby wipes or face wipes - As you won't be able to get to the bathroom easily, these can help you to stay feeling clean and fresh.

What to wear home from hospital after a C-section? ›

What is the best thing to wear after a C-section? Wear comfortable clothes that won't put too much pressure on your incision site, such as loose-fitting sweats, loose dresses, and oversized pajamas.

What do mums need after a C-section? ›

Looking after your wound

You'll usually be advised to: gently clean and dry the wound every day. wear loose, comfortable clothes and cotton underwear. take a painkiller if the wound is sore – for most women, it's better to take paracetamol or ibuprofen (but not aspirin) while you're breastfeeding.

What to do night before a C-section? ›

The Night Before Your C-section

Try to get a good night's sleep. You may brush your teeth in the morning. Check with your doctor if you are taking any medication. Take a shower before coming to the hospital.

What is the best last meal to eat before a C-section? ›

Up until 6 hours before surgery, you may eat a light meal or low-fat snack. Drink lots of clear fluids such as water, juices (no pulp) like apple juice, gelatin, broths, coffee/tea, sports drinks, and popsicles. DO NOT eat any solid food. DO NOT drink or eat any milk or dairy products.

Should I shave my pubic hair before a C-section? ›

It's no longer standard procedure to shave pubic hair, because it could permit unwanted bacteria into the body. (Nor should you shave or wax your own bikini area or abdomen right before a scheduled C-section, also due to the infection risk.) Any hair that might get in the way of the incision is clipped.

Why drink apple juice before a C-section? ›

Why should I drink clear liquids before a cesarean birth? Clear liquids and carbohydrate drinks give you energy to heal after delivery. You'll feel less hungry and more hydrated.

What is the 5 5 5 rule postpartum C-section? ›

Postpartum recovery FAQs

The 5-5-5 rule in postpartum can help new mothers manage their wellbeing. It suggests taking five days in bed, five days on the bed, and five days around the bed, to be sure you're getting adequate rest.

Can I hold my baby immediately after a C-section? ›

During a planned C-section, the delivery takes about 10 to 15 minutes. Your provider removes your baby in only a few minutes in an emergency C-section. If you're awake for your C-section surgery, you will be able to see and hold your baby shortly after it's born.

How to pee after a C-section? ›

Assisted births (forceps and ventouse) and Caesarean birth

The urine drains down the tubing into a collection bag which means you don't need to worry about having to go to the toilet. Once the catheter is removed, the maternity staff will advise you to try and pass urine (void) within four to six hours.

Which food is good after a C-section? ›

Foods and nutrients to eat after your C-section
  • Fiber-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. For example, porridge, bran, muesli and cereal, pasta and rice, and bread (5).
  • You can also get fibre from berries, fruit, root and other vegetables, pulses, nuts, and seeds.
6 days ago

What medicine do they send you home with after C-section? ›

Your healthcare professional might suggest ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others), acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) or other medicines to relieve pain. Most pain relief medicines are safe to take while breastfeeding.

How to sleep after a C-section? ›

On your side. Side sleeping is a great choice when you're recovering from a C-section. Research shows that sleeping on your left side can help increase blood flow to vital organs, aiding healing. It's also the most common sleeping position – you're bound to find this one relaxing.

How far in advance should I pack my hospital bag for delivery? ›

When Should You Pack Your Hospital Bag? You should have your hospital bag ready to go between weeks 32 and 35 of your pregnancy, in case your baby comes a bit earlier than expected. A good time to start the packing process is around the 28 week mark, or at the start of your 3rd trimester.

What to take to the hospital if having an AC section? ›

Your C-Section Hospital Bag Checklist
  • Your birth plan (don't forget that skin-to-skin and breastfeeding are both possible in the OR if your hospital and doctor has cleared it!)
  • Folder or small bag for paperwork.
  • VIP contact list, including sitters for older children and pets.
  • Eyeglasses, if needed.
  • No-skid socks.
  • Lip balm.
Jul 25, 2023

What should you not pack in your hospital bag for labor? ›

Here are a few things you probably won't need to pack in your hospital bag: Too many clothes. You'll likely be in your nightgown for most of your stay, so you won't need a lot of clothes. Pack a going-home outfit that is comfortable and easy to put on, like leggings and a loose shirt.


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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

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Job: Legacy Sales Designer

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.