Classic Jewish Chopped Chicken Liver Recipe (2024)

Why It Works

  • Grilling the chicken livers gives you the best flavor, but broiling is easier and faster. We let you choose which method to use.
  • Exactly how much you cook the onion will determine the sweetness of the chopped liver.
  • We think schmaltz is the only real choice for chopped liver, but you can use a neutral vegetable oil if you wish.

I have a letter from my great-uncle Shush in which he lists some of the more exotic foods from his Jewish childhood home, each accompanied by commentary. It includes Yiddish terms* likemiltz("A flat slab of low-end cow innards, much resembling a chunk of slivery, pulpy liver.... I dare say that I would never knowingly offer this to a dinner guest");p'tcha("It was to me a plate-sized aspic filled with indigestible chunks of God-knows-what and slices of hard-boiled eggs");lungen("What can I tell you except that this was the lungs of a cow and was not only repulsive to me in taste but appalling in appearance"); andeiter("A by-product, it seemed, of cut-up snow tires whose tread had long since eroded").

*Shush and his siblings grew up in a house in which they heard Yiddish daily, and they had some level of comprehension, but didn't know how to speak or write it themselves; some of these terms may be unusually transliterated as a result.

What was not on Shush's list was chopped liver. I can only assume this is because among most Ashkenazi Jews in those days, chopped liver was well within the bounds of what would have been considered normal and delicious. It was likely inconceivable within that community to think of it as a repulsive culinary outlier—no stranger than a beef hot dog or pastrami sandwich would be to us today.

Unfortunately, it's all too common nowadays to meet people, many of them Jewish, who grimace and wrinkle their noses at the mention of chopped liver. Among traditional Jewish foods still eaten today, only gefilte fish elicits greater derision (and that wasn't on Shush's list either, for the record). It saddens me to see a food as great as chopped liver lose ground, as fewer and fewer people seem willing to eat it. It deserves all the respect in the world—after all, it's likely what French foie gras comes from.

What Is Chopped Liver?

Classic Jewish Chopped Chicken Liver Recipe (1)

Chopped liver is an incredibly simple thing. It involves few ingredients: chicken livers, hard-boiled eggs, onion, and some kind of fat. ("Some kind of fat" is actually being a bit too flexible—it really needs to be rendered chicken fat, calledschmaltzin Yiddish; more on that below.) Seasonings are salt and pepper, period.

The result is an addictive, complex dish—there’s the rich, funky liver, of course, but it’s layered with the sweetness of sautéed onions and the buttery poultry flavor of the schmaltz. The egg, meanwhile, adds tenderness while diluting the intensity of the liver. It's not exactly silky or smooth, but it is soft and spreadable, perfect for schmearing on matzo, crackers, or crusty bread.

In truth, chopped liver wasn't always made with chicken livers. According to Claudia Roden'sThe Book of Jewish Food, it originated with the 17th-century Jewish community in what is now the French region of Alsace.

Classic Jewish Chopped Chicken Liver Recipe (2)

Unable to use pork and lard due to kosher practices, Alsatian Jews turned to geese as a source of meat and fat; in fact, they were responsible for popularizing the force-feeding method that produces the fattiest, richest, most delicious livers. They chopped those fatty livers into a spread, a practice that the French picked up and turned intopâté de foie gras, which can be literally translated to "fat liver paste."

But the dish wasn't embraced by the French alone. It was adopted by many other Ashkenazi Jewish communities throughout Europe, who substituted the goose liver with various other kinds. Apparently, even veal liver was a popular choice in the UK until it became too costly. In the end, chicken liver won out, and that's the liver most of us expect when we talk of the dish now (though if you have access to enough goose liver, by all means try it the old Alsatian way).

The key to great chopped liver comes down to a few basic decisions about how to prepare each ingredient. Never one to take others' words for it, I put just about every major variable to the test.

How to Cook the Liver

Classic Jewish Chopped Chicken Liver Recipe (3)

First up is determining how to cook the livers themselves. This is more complicated than it may seem to the uninitiated, since there are kosher laws that govern how the liver needs to be prepared. Of course, those of us who don't keep kosher don't necessarily need to follow those laws, but a good chopped liver recipe should keep them in mind, given that the dish has Jewish origins and may well be prepared or consumed by kosher folks.

I'm not in any way an expert on keeping kosher, but my understanding is that because livers are seen as containing a lot of blood, traditional koshering methods for meat aren't considered sufficient. The livers must be cooked in such a way that their juices can drain off immediately, which means that searing them in a pan or other vessel is forbidden.

These days, most home cooks take advantage of their ovens, setting the livers on a slotted broiler pan, or a wire rack set in a rimmed baking sheet, and running them under the broiler, so that the juices can drip down as the livers cook. Broilers are a fairly modern invention, so before they came around, the livers were usually grilled. (To be clear, a broiler is really just an inverted grill, with the heat coming from above instead of below.)

I decided to test grilling versus broiling, and out of curiosity, I tested a seared version as well, since I don't personally keep kosher and wanted to see how it stacked up.

There's no one right answer here. My favorite livers were the grilled ones, which developed some lovely charred spots over the hot charcoal—a deeper roasted flavor that was detectable in the final chopped liver. Successful grilling, of course, assumes the grill is hot enough. If you build a good charcoal fire, that's easy, but somegas grillsmay not have the output you need to really make grilling worthwhile.

The broiler was by far the easiest method, but, like gas grills, broilers can vary in their power output. A good broiler can do a good job so long as the livers are positioned close to the heating element, but some home ovens have weak broilers that will fail to ever properly sear the livers, leading to lackluster results. The livers will cook through, but they'll be about as tasty as if they were steamed.

Searing in a skillet is, as I mentioned, against kosher rules, but for those of us who don't keep kosher, it is technically an option. It's also a good one. You can get great browning on livers in a smoking-hot skillet, which makes it a better choice, so far as flavor is concerned, than a weak gas grill or broiler. If you do go that route, just make sure you don't offer the chopped liver to anyone who might assume it was made following more traditional kosher methods, unless you warn them first.

No matter which method you choose, make sure that when you're cooking the livers, you take them beyond the pink centers one often aims for when making a French liver pâté. For chopped liver, you want them a bit more well-done: When chopped, the paste should be brown and slightly crumbly, not pink and soft. The secret to a good, spreadable texture comes from additional fat, not from less-cooked livers.

How to Cook the Onions

Once upon a time, the onions in chopped liver were raw, but that's hardly, if ever, how they're prepared now. Today, the debate rages over just how much to cook them: Do you sauté them until they're tender but without much color, or do you go for a more deeply caramelized, sweet result?

Traditionalists will argue that super-sweet caramelized onions have no place in chopped liver, and I tend to agree. But this really is a question of taste, and where you fall on the sweetness spectrum is a personal matter.

One thing I do not support is the addition of any sugar beyond what the onions themselves might bring. Chopped liver is not dessert.

After tasting both the browned and the not-browned batches, I decided to have it both ways by sautéing the minced onion until it's soft, removing about half, then continuing to cook the rest until it's browned. That provides a low-level sweetness and roasty depth, without crossing too far into the sugar zone.

The Schmaltz Showdown: Choosing a Fat for Chopped Liver

Classic Jewish Chopped Chicken Liver Recipe (4)

Originally, chopped liver that was made with fatty goose liver would have been mixed with goose fat, but with the adoption of chicken livers came rendered chicken fat.Schmaltzis the term used for that. Technically, it's a generic term for rendered animal fat of any type, but when you're talking about Ashkenazi Jewish food, schmaltz is generally understood to be made from chicken fat unless otherwise specified.

Beyond just rendering chicken fat, though, making schmaltz usually also involves frying onions in the fat during the rendering process. The result is much more delicious than chicken fat alone, and also yields what are known asgribenes: the browned and crispy bits of fat and onion left over after the schmaltz has been made.

Still, there's no doubt that making schmaltz from scratch—which is pretty much the only way to go, since it's not commonly sold at markets—is a bit of a process. First, you need to save up or buy enough chicken fat to make the schmaltz, and then you have to go through the rendering process, which takes about an hour. The reward, though, is arguably worth it.

Or is it?

Lots of people have switched to using a neutral vegetable oil in place of schmaltz, because it's significantly easier. They don't seem to think the schmaltz is worth the trouble.

I made batches of chopped liver using schmaltz, vegetable oil, and also duck fat, to see how they compared. The duck fat was a potential shortcut I wanted to try out, my hope being that a more commonly available rendered poultry fat might make a good stand-in.

As it turned out, it didn't. The duck fat was far too overpowering, adding a funky, intensely greasy duck flavor that overshadowed everything else.

The vegetable oil landed on the other end of the spectrum, adding absolutely nothing. It wasn't bad, but it also wasn't much of anything at all—and in a dish as simple as chopped liver, that's a problem.

Classic Jewish Chopped Chicken Liver Recipe (5)

There's no contest here: The schmaltz is the transformative ingredient that makes chopped liver far more than merechopped liver. Plus, you get the gribenes on top of it, which you can mince up and add to the mix, and/or sprinkle on top as a garnish.

Exactly how much schmaltz you add is up to you. I mix in just enough to give the chopped liver, which starts out on the dry side, a moist and spreadable texture. The quantity will depend on how dry your chopped liver mixture is to begin with, and just how loose and spreadable you want to make it.

Mincing Methods

Classic Jewish Chopped Chicken Liver Recipe (6)

The last test was mincing the livers and hard-boiled eggs. In the olden days, this was done by hand or with a food grinder. Today, most folks opt for the convenience of afood processor.

I tried all three methods and, for once, found myself leaning toward the shortcut: The food processor did a great job. As long as you don't run the processor too long, it can produce a crumbly mash that's almost identical to the grinder version. Hand-chopping, meanwhile, was too tedious even for me, and I'm a guy who usually opts for finely dicing pounds of vegetables forragù, instead of mincing it all in the food processor in a matter of seconds.

Will this recipe for chopped liver convert the doubters? Hopefully a few, but I won't fool myself—people are set in their ways. Instead, perhaps I should use this as an opportunity to teach myself to love something even my great-uncle Shush never could. Cow's lung, I'm coming for you.

November 2018

This recipe was cross-tested in 2023 and updated with more accurate measurements and cooking times to guarantee best results.

Recipe Details

Classic Jewish Chopped Chicken Liver Recipe

Prep15 mins

Cook15 mins

Active60 mins

Total30 mins

Serves14to 16 servings

Makes1 quart


  • 1 pound (454g) chicken livers

  • Kosher salt

  • 1/4 cup (60ml) schmaltz, plus more as needed (see note)

  • 1 medium yellow onion (about 8 ounces; 226g), finely minced (about 1 1/3 cups)

  • 3 large hard-boiled eggs, peeled

  • 1/4 cup (50g) gribenes (browned, crispy bits of fat and onion left over from making schmaltz), finely minced (optional)

  • Freshly ground black pepper

  • Additional minced gribenes and hard-boiled egg, for garnish (optional)

  • Matzo or other crackers, for serving


  1. If Using a Grill for the Livers: Light one chimney full of charcoal. When all the charcoal is lit and covered with gray ash, pour out and spread the coals evenly over half of coal grate. Alternatively, set all the burners of a gas grill to high heat. Set cooking grate in place, cover grill, and allow to preheat for 5 minutes. Clean and oil the grilling grate. Proceed to step 3.

  2. If Using a Broiler for the Livers: Preheat broiler and move oven rack to highest position, 2 inches away from heating element. Oil a slotted broiler pan, or a wire rack set in a rimmed baking sheet.

  3. Using a paring knife, clean livers well of any fat, green spots, or large veins. Season all over with kosher salt. If using a grill, grill livers over high heat, uncovered, turning frequently, until they are very lightly charred in spots and only the last traces of pink remain in their centers, about 6 minutes. If using the broiler, arrange livers on the prepared broiler pan or wire rack and broil, turning once halfway through, until exteriors are well-browned and only the last traces of pink remain in the centers, 5-8 minutes. (If you are unsure about whether the livers are done, cut them open to check.) Remove from oven or grill and set aside.

  4. In a medium stainless steel or cast iron skillet, heat schmaltz or other fat over medium heat until shimmering. Add onion and cook, stirring frequently, until desired doneness is reached. For less sweet onions, with some texture remaining, cook until softened but not browned, about 3 minutes; for sweeter onions that are very soft, cook until pale golden brown, about 8 minutes. (Lower the heat at any point to prevent burning.) If you wish, you can remove half the onion when it is softened, then continue cooking the other half until browned, for the best of both worlds.

    Classic Jewish Chopped Chicken Liver Recipe (7)

  5. In the bowl of a food processor, combine cooked livers with eggs and pulse, scraping down the sides if needed, until a rough, crumbly paste forms; try not to over-process into a smooth paste, 12-15 pulses.

    Classic Jewish Chopped Chicken Liver Recipe (8)

  6. Scrape minced liver and egg mixture into a mixing bowl. Scrape in cooked onion, along with all of the cooking fat. Add minced gribenes, if using. Stir until thoroughly combined, seasoning with salt and pepper as you go.

  7. Add as much extra schmaltz as needed, 1 tablespoon at a time, to reach desired consistency. Exactly how much this is will depend on several variables, including your personal preference, though we recommend that chopped liver be spreadable and moist, not dry and crumbly.

  8. Refrigerate chopped liver in an airtight container, with plastic pressed directly against its surface to prevent it from discoloring, for up to 5 days. Allow to come to room temperature before serving. Garnish, if desired, with additional minced hard-boiled egg and gribenes, along with matzo or crackers on the side. We find that chopped liver tastes better after an overnight rest.

    Classic Jewish Chopped Chicken Liver Recipe (9)

Special Equipment

Food processor; slotted broiler pan or wire rack and rimmed baking sheet (if broiling livers), or grill (if cooking livers on the grill); medium stainless steel or cast iron skillet


Schmaltz (rendered chicken fat flavored with onions) is by far the superior choice of cooking fat in this recipe, but if you don't have the time to make it, you can use a neutral vegetable oil instead.

This recipe uses cooking methods that align with kosher practices (such as grilling or broiling the livers), but the recipe itself is not guaranteed to comply with all kosher laws; check with an expert if you have any concerns.

Make-Ahead and Storage

Chopped liver is best after an overnight rest and can be kept refrigerated for up to five days. Avoid freezing chopped liver, as that can ruin its consistency. Always keep plastic pressed directly against the surface of the chopped liver when storing it, since it can discolor and darken when exposed to air for prolonged periods.

  • Chicken
  • Sides
Classic Jewish Chopped Chicken Liver Recipe (2024)


What is Jewish chopped liver made from? ›

What Is Chopped Liver? Chopped liver is an incredibly simple thing. It involves few ingredients: chicken livers, hard-boiled eggs, onion, and some kind of fat. ("Some kind of fat" is actually being a bit too flexible—it really needs to be rendered chicken fat, called schmaltz in Yiddish; more on that below.)

What is the Yiddish word for chopped liver? ›

Chopped liver (Yiddish: געהאַקטע לעבער, gehakte leber) is a liver pâté popular in Ashkenazi Jewish cuisine.

Can Jews eat chicken liver? ›

After the liver has been broiled and kashered, it is regarded as any other piece of kosher meat which can be fried or roasted in a kosher meat pot, pan, or roaster without any reservation. Furthermore, liver does not have to be broiled within 72 hours of kosher slaughter.

Why do you soak chicken livers in milk? ›

Soak chicken livers in milk for up to a couple of hours to help remove any strong flavors. Place livers in a colander and rinse under cold water; discard milk. Cut each liver in half. Pour ½ cup oil into large skillet and bring to 350°.

Are chopped chicken livers healthy? ›

Chopped chicken liver is a good source of protein, iron, and vitamin A. It is also a good source of other vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin B12, copper, and zinc. However, chopped chicken liver is also high in cholesterol and saturated fat. Therefore, it is important to eat it in moderation.

How long can chopped liver stay in the refrigerator? ›

Store in a tightly covered container in the refrigerator for 6-7 days. Chopped liver can also be frozen and served at a later date.

Is liverwurst the same as chopped liver? ›

Chopped liver is both a German and Ashkenazi Jewish food. In Germany, liverwurst would frequently be made with pig's liver, and even veal-based versions might well be enriched with butter, so chopped liver enriched with schmaltz became a Jewish specialty.

What is the Yiddish word unclean food? ›

Those foods that are not kosher, called tref or trefah, are ritually unclean or unfit according to Jewish law.

What does frum mean in Yiddish? ›

Frum (Yiddish: פֿרום, lit. 'religious', 'pious', German: fromm) is a word that describes Jewish religious devotion. Frum Breslov boys from Mea Shearim, Jerusalem, 2011. The term connotes the observance of Jewish religious law in a way that often exceeds its bare requirements.

How to make chicken liver kosher? ›

With meat, this process, commonly known as kashering meat, is accomplished by soaking the meat in water, salting it, and then rewashing it. With liver, this method of extraction is insufficient. Since liver contains such a large concentration of blood, the technique used for kashering liver is broiling.

Can you eat bacon in Judaism? ›

Prohibition in Jewish law

Pigs should not be eaten because they do not chew their cud. The ban on the consumption of pork is repeated in Deuteronomy 14:8. During the Roman period, Jewish abstinence from pork consumption became one of the most identifiable features of Jewish religion to outsiders of the faith.

Can Jews eat chicken eggs? ›

Only eggs from kosher fowl are kosher. These include chicken, Cornish hens, ducks, geese, and turkey. The prohibition of eating blood applies even to the smallest drop of blood, and thus any blood spots found in an egg renders the egg non-kosher.

Do you rinse chicken livers before cooking? ›

Information. Do not wash or rinse raw meat or poultry before you cook it. Washing can cause bacteria found on the surface of meat or poultry to be spread to ready-to-eat foods, kitchen utensils, and counter surfaces. This is called cross-contamination.

Why soak chicken liver in vinegar? ›

The acidity seems to break down the liver and make it more palatable. To Do: Simply place your cut up liver in a bowl, barely cover with water and add the juice of a lemon or a tablespoon or two of vinegar. Soak for a few hours before cooking, drain and pat dry.

How to remove gamey taste from chicken liver? ›

Soak liver in milk for 1-2 hours before cooking.

If you follow a strict paleo diet, you can use coconut milk instead of dairy milk; you'll get the same benefit of mellowing out the flavor. Buttermilk is also a great option!

What animal does chopped liver come from? ›

Yoskowitz points out that Ashkenazi Jews probably made their chopped liver with goose liver more than chicken originally, as goose schmaltz was also preferred. But with chickens becoming more popular than geese for numerous reasons, the liver as well as the schmaltz of the chicken became more common.

What is Jewish liver sausage? ›

Even translated fully into English (liver sausage), it sounds horrendous. Beyond its name, liverwurst is a paté, which makes most Americans squeamish. It's made from offal, the internal organs (heart, liver, kidney, brain) and entrails (stomach and intestines) of a butchered animal — usually pork.

Is liver spread made from pork or beef? ›

Liver spread is a Filipino canned spread product made from pureed pork, beef, or chicken liver mixed with cereal and/or offal similar to the French pâté and German liverwurst.

Where did what am I chopped liver come from? ›

As in the expression, 'What am I, chopped liver? ' '' The earliest use of this phrase in its derogatory sense -- that is, ''something trivial; something to be scoffed at'' -- in the Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang is by Jimmy Durante on his 1954 CBS-TV show: ''Now that ain't chopped liver. ''


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