Medical devices | European Medicines Agency (2024)

Manufacturers can place a CE (Conformité Européenne) markon a medical device once it has passed a conformity assessment.

Theconformity assessmentusually involves an audit of the manufacturer's quality system and, depending on the type of device, a review of technical documentation from the manufacturer on the safety and performance of the device.

EU Member Statesdesignate accreditednotified bodiesto conduct conformity assessments.

For certain high-risk devices, notified bodies must request an opinion from specific expert panels before issuing a CE certificate. These expert panels benefit from EMA's technical and scientific support.

In some cases, thenotified bodymust seek a scientific opinion fromEMAbefore issuing a CE certificate.

EMA has different regulatory responsibilitiesfor different categories of medical device, including in vitro diagnostics:

Table 1: EMA regulatory responsibilities per medical device category
Medical device categoryEMA responsibility
Medicines used in combination with a medical deviceEMA assesses safety and effectiveness of medicines used in combination withmedical device within centralised procedure application for medicinal product
Medical devices with an ancillary medicinal substance

Notified body must seek EMA scientific opinion on quality, safety, and usefulness of ancillary medicinal substance if ancillary substance:

  • Is derived from human blood or plasma
  • Has been previously evaluated by EMA
  • Falls in mandatory scope of centralised procedure
Companion diagnosticsNotified body must seek EMAscientific opinion on suitability of companion diagnostic to medicinal product if the latter falls in scope of centralised procedure
Medical devices made of substances that are systemically absorbedNotified body must seek scientific opinion of a competent authority - EMA provides scientific opinionon compliance of substance with requirements in Annex I of Directive 2001/83/EC
High-risk medical devicesEMA supportsmedical device expert panels that provide opinions and views to notified bodies on scientific assessment of certain high-risk medical devices and in vitro diagnostics

Also on this topic

  • Consultation procedure for ancillary medicinal substances in medical devices
  • Consultation procedures for high-risk medical devices

Medical device legislation

The Regulations onMedical Devices (Regulation (EU) 2017/745) and onIn Vitro Diagnostic Devices (Regulation (EU) 2017/746)changed the European legal framework for medical devices, introducing new responsibilities forEMAand national competent authoritiesin the assessment of certain categories of medical device.

  • The Medical Devices Regulationapplies since26 May 2021. Manufacturers must comply with the Regulation when placing new medical devices on the market. It repealsDirective 93/42/EEC on medical devicesand the Directive 90/385/EEC on active implantable medical devices.
  • TheIn Vitro Diagnostic Devices Regulation appliessince26 May 2022. It repeals Directive 98/79/EC of the European Parliament and of the Councilon in vitro diagnostic medical devices.

Question-and-answer guidance on the implementation of these Regulations is available below.

Questions and answers on implementation of the medical devices and in vitro diagnostic medical devices Regulations ((EU) 2017/745 and (EU) 2017/746)

Reference Number: EMA/37991/2019 Rev.4

English (EN) (412.32 KB - PDF)

First published: Last updated:


Questions and answers on implementation of the medical devices and in vitro diagnostic medical devices Regulations ((EU) 2017/745 and (EU) 2017/746) - tracked changes

Reference Number: EMA/37991/2019 Rev.4

English (EN) (438.76 KB - PDF)

First published: Last updated:


According to the current medical devices legislative framework, the EMAmainlyprovides scientific opinions to notified bodies throughconsultation procedures.

EMA's regulatory role is limited to the assessment of certaincategories of medical devices and in vitro diagnostics, and in the context of medicinal products used in combination with a medical device.

EMAcanonly addressquestions under its remit.

Medicinal products used in combination with a medical device

Some medicines are used in combination with a medical device, usually to enable the delivery of the medicine.

If the principal intended action is achieved by the medicine, it is considered a medicinal product that includes a medical device.

The entire product is regulated under EU pharmaceutical legislation (Directive 2001/83/EC or Regulation (EC) No 726/2004) and must obtain a marketing authorisation for a medicinal product.

The device part of the combination may require a conformity assessment, as follows:

Type of combinationIllustrationConformity assessment of device
  • Medicinal product and device form a single integrated product
  • Examples include:
    • pre-filled syringes and pens
    • patches for transdermal drug delivery
    • pre-filled inhalers
  • Marketing authorisation application should include a CE certificate for the device or, if not CE marked but would need to be certified if marketed separately, applicant must include an opinion from a notified body on conformity of device
  • Requirement applies since 26 May 2021under article 117 of Medical Devices Regulation
  • Requirement does not apply to Class I devices (non-sterile, non-measuring)
Co-packaged or obtained separately
  • Medicinal product and device are separate items contained in same pack or obtained separately
  • Examples include:
    • reusable pen for insulin cartridges
    • tablet delivery system with controller for pain management
  • Must be CE marked in accordance with EU medical devices legislation

Role of EMA

EMA is responsible for evaluating the quality, safety and efficacy of marketing authorisation applications assessed through the centralised procedure, including the safety and performance of a medical devicein relation to its use with a medicinal product.

The medical device may be co-packaged with, obtained separately from or integral to the medicinal product.

EMA issued a final guideline on quality documentation for medicinal productsthat include a medical device in July 2021. This clarifies expectations laid down in Directive 2001/83/EC and addresses obligations in the Medical Devices Regulation, in particular under Article 117.

EMA recommends reading the guideline in conjunction with theQ&A on the implementation of the Medical Device Regulation and In Vitro Diagnostic Devices Regulation.

Guideline on quality documentation for medicinal products when used with a medical device - First version

AdoptedLegal effective date: Reference Number: EMA/CHMP/QWP/BWP/259165/2019

English (EN) (311.32 KB - PDF)

First published:


Medical devices with an ancillary medicinal substance

A medical devicemay contain an ancillary medicinal substanceto support the proper functioning of the device.These products fall under the medical devices legislation and must be CE marked.

Examples of medical devices with an ancillary medicinal substance include:

  • drug-eluting stents;
  • bone cement containing an antibiotic;
  • catheters coated with heparin or an antibiotic agent;
  • condoms coated with spermicides.

Role of EMA

Before it can issue a CE certificate, the notified body must seek a scientificopinion from EMA on the quality and safety of the ancillary substance if itis derived from human blood or human plasma, or if it is within the scope of the centralised procedure for the authorisation of medicines.

For other substances, the notified body can seek the opinion from a national competent authorityor from EMAe.g. in cases where EMA has already evaluated a medicine containing the same medicinal substance.

EMA publishes consultation procedure public assessment reports (CPAR) on its scientific opinions.

For information on the consultation procedure to seek an EMA scientific opinion, see:

  • Ancillary medicinal substances in medical devices

Companion diagnostics ('in vitro diagnostics')

A companion diagnostic is anin vitro diagnostic test that supports the safe and effective use of aspecific medicinal product, byidentifyingpatients that are suitable or unsuitable fortreatment.

The In Vitro Diagnostic Devices Regulation(Regulation (EU) 2017/746) introduces a new classification system for companion diagnostics and the obligation to undergo a conformity assessment by a notified body.

The Regulationapplies from 26 May 2022, following a five-year transition period.

Role of EMA

Before it can issue a CE certificate, the notified body must seek a scientificopinion from EMAon thesuitability of the companion diagnostic to the medicinal product concerned if:

  • the medicinal product falls exclusively within the scope of the centralised procedure for the authorisation of medicines, or
  • the medicinal product is already authorised through the centralised procedure, or
  • a marketing authorisation application forthe medicinal product has been submitted through the centralised procedure.

For other substances, the notified body can seek the opinion from a national competent authorityor EMA.

    A guidance documentis available on the consultation procedure whereby notified bodies seek a scientific opinion fromEMA. This is joined by aquestion-and-answer (Q&A) document on practical arrangements.

    Thisguidance should help notified bodies, device manufacturers and medicinal product applicants understand the procedural aspects of the consultation process.

    The FAQ document below provides an overview of EMA’s line of thinking on issues related to predictive biomarker-guided medicinal product development and assessment involving companion diagnostic (CDx).

    Guidance on the procedural aspects for the consultation to the European Medicines Agency by a notified body on companion diagnostics

    AdoptedLegal effective date: Reference Number: EMA/198592/2022

    English (EN) (233.01 KB - PDF)

    First published:


    Questions & answers - Practical arrangements on the companion diagnostics consultation procedure to the European Medicines Agency by notified bodies

    Reference Number: EMA/619893/2022

    English (EN) (152.67 KB - PDF)

    First published: Last updated:


    Frequently asked questions on medicinal products development and assessment involving companion diagnostic (CDx)

    Reference Number: EMA/CHMP/821321/2022

    English (EN) (167.05 KB - PDF)

    First published:


    Notified bodies should use the application formsbelow to request an initial orfollow-upconsultation.

    Letter of intent for the submission of a consultation to the European Medicines Agency by a notified body on a companion diagnostic in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2017/746

    Reference Number: EMA/781233/2021

    English (EN) (117.99 KB - DOCX)

    First published: Last updated:


    Application form for initial consultation by a notified body on a companion diagnostic

    English (EN) (128.43 KB - DOCX)

    First published: Last updated:


    Application form for follow-up consultation procedure by a notified body on a companion diagnostic

    English (EN) (124.25 KB - DOCX)

    First published:


    Consultation on companion diagnostic - Assessment report template

    English (EN) (140.95 KB - DOCX)

    First published: Last updated:


    Submitted comments on 'Draft guidance on the procedural aspects for the consultation to the European Medicines Agency by a notified body on companion diagnostics'

    English (EN) (561.2 KB - PDF)

    First published:


    For more information:

    • Full list of procedural timetables

    Medical devices made of substances that are systemically absorbed

    Some medical devices are made of substances that are absorbed by the human bodyto achieve their intended purpose.

    These devices are normally introduced into the human body via an orifice or applied to the skin.

    Role of EMA

    Before it can issue a CE certificate, thenotified body mustseek ascientific opinionfrom EMA or a national competent authority on the compliance of the substance with the requirements laid down in Annex I to Directive 2001/83/EC.

    EMA will provide further information on the consultation procedure between the notified body and a competent authority orEMA.

    Borderline products

    Borderline products are complex healthcare products for which there is uncertainty over which regulatory framework applies.

    Common borderlines are between medicinal products, medical devices, cosmetics, biocidal products, herbal medicinesand food supplements.

    National competent authorities classify borderline products either asmedicinal products or, for example,as medical devices on a case-by-case basis. This determines the applicable regulatory framework.

    Applicants who are unclear on the correct classification of their product should consult a national competent authority and provide information on the product's composition and constituents, a scientific explanation of the mode of action and its intended purpose.

    Role of EMA

    The Medical Devices Regulation foresees that the European Commission may consult EMAon products that borderline with medicines.

    EMA's Innovation Task Force provides advice to medicine developers on eligibility to EMA procedures relating to the research and development of borderline products.

    High-risk medical devices

    For certain high-risk devices, theRegulations onMedical Devices (Regulation (EU) 2017/745) and onIn Vitro Diagnostic Devices (Regulation (EU) 2017/746)require notified bodiesto consultexpert panels before issuing a CE certificate.

    These high-risk medical devices include:

    • Class III implantable devices and class IIbactive devices that areintended toadminister or remove medicinal products from the body
    • Class D in vitrodiagnostic medical devices

    The expert panels' opinions and views are currently available on the European Commission's website:

    • European Commission:List of opinions on class III implantable devices and class IIb devices under the CECP
    • European Commission: List of views on class D devices under thePECP

    In line with the RegulationonMedical Devices,the expert panels havestarted to provide advice to the Medical Device Coordination Group (MDCG)

    . This advice is currently available on the European Commission's website.

    They are also foreseen to advisethe European Commission,national competent authorities in EU Member Statesand notified bodies, if needed.

    The implementation of these activities is gradual. EMA will provide further information for stakeholderswhen available.

    For more information, see:

    • European Commission: Medical devices expert panels: Overview

    Role of EMA

    EMA provides administrative, technical and scientific support to the expert panels,in accordance with theRegulation onEMA's Reinforced Role(Regulation(EU) 2022/123). For more information, seeCrisis preparedness and management.

    Working instructions for Notified Bodies on the application of Article 54 of Regulation (EU) 2017/745 on medical devices and Article 48 of Regulation (EU) 2017/746 on in vitro diagnostic medical devices

    Reference Number: EMA/416077/2023

    English (EN) (2.29 MB - PDF)

    First published:


    Scientific advice pilot for high-risk medical devices

    EMA is runninga pilot that enables the expert panels to providescientific advice formanufacturers of high-risk medical devices.

    For more information on the pilot, including related presentations and a letter of interesttemplate that can serve as guidance for applicants,see:

    • Information session on the pilot for expert panels’ scientific advice to manufacturers of high-risk medical devices(25/01/2023)
    • EMA pilots scientific advice for certain high-risk medical devices(27/02/2023)

    EMA invitesEU-based manufacturers or their authorised representatives to apply for a third phase of the pilot by30 June 2024.They can use the following application form:

    • Scientific advice pilot application form

    For the third pilot phase, applicants can indicate if they would be willing to have an HTA body observe their project. In such cases, EMA will inform them whether this will be possible.

    Applicants can address any questions tothe expert panelsecretariat

    In the first round, the expert panels selectedsixapplications focused on fields such as circulatory system, orthopaedics, neurology and dentistry.

    EMA will publish further information on the pilot's progress, including its second round, in due course.

    As the current pilot phaseincludesa limitednumber of scientific advice procedures, the expert panelsprioritise applications that can cover varied medical areas and device types.

    Experts uphold three prioritisation criteria:

    • devices usedby a relatively small group of patients to help diagnose or treat a disease or condition- for instance, so-calledorphan devicesand those for paediatricuse;
    • devices that help addressunmet medical needs - for example, devices for medical conditions that are life threatening or can cause permanent impairment, and for which the treatment currently available is insufficient or carrying significant risks for patients;
    • novel devicesthat can have a major clinical or health impact.

    Applications from smallandmedium-sized enterprises (SMEs) receive special attention to ensure their representation in the pilot.

    As per the Medical Devices Regulation (Article 61(2) of Regulation (EU) 2017/745),scientific advicefor medical devices refers tointended clinical development strategies and clinical investigationproposals. It covers:

    • class III medical devices;
    • class IIbactive medical devices intended to administer or remove medicinal products from the body.

    Related content

    • Ancillary medicinal substances in medical devices
    Medical devices | European Medicines Agency (2024)


    Who regulates medical devices in Europe? ›

    In the European Union (EU) they must undergo a conformity assessment to demonstrate they meet legal requirements to ensure they are safe and perform as intended. They are regulated at EU Member State level, but the European Medicines Agency (EMA) is involved in the regulatory process.

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    What is it? The EU MDR is the set of regulations that governs the production and distribution of medical devices in Europe. Compliance with this regulation is mandatory for medical device companies (legal manufacturers) that want to market or sell their products in the EEA (European Economic Area).

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    European Medicines Agency (EMA) : EMA is a decentralized body of the European Union, located in Amsterdam in the Netherlands. It is responsible for the scientific evaluation, supervision, and safety monitoring of medicines for human and veterinary use in the EU.

    What does the European Medicines Agency do? ›

    The European Medicines Agency (EMA) protects and promotes human and animal health by evaluating and monitoring medicines within the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA).

    What is the difference between the EU and the US medical device regulations? ›

    One of the main differences between the EU medical device regulation and the FDA is that a clinical evaluation must be performed for all medical devices, no matter the class. As risk increases, so do requirements. Higher risk devices do require clinical investigations (tests on humans) in both markets.

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    A European Authorized Representative is defined as being any natural or legal person established within the European Union who has received and accepted a written mandate from a manufacturer located outside the EU to act on the manufacturer's behalf in relation to specified tasks about the latter's obligations under ...

    What is the difference between ISO 13485 and EU MDR? ›

    The EU MDR includes specific processes for medical devices, while ISO 13485 provides a comprehensive set of interrelated requirements for creating a QMS. ISO 13485 can be used by any organization worldwide that needs to demonstrate consistent compliance with customer and regulatory requirements.

    What is EU MDR replacing? ›

    The European Medical Devices Regulation, (EU) 2017/745 (MDR), replaces the Medical Devices Directive (93/42/EWG, MDD) and Active Implantable Medical Devices Directive (90/385/EWG, AIMDD). The MDR entered into force in 2017.

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    The manufacturer is responsible for applying the classification rules, which are determined by the products' intended intent.

    What is the difference between the FDA and the European Medicine agency? ›

    The FDA is a centralized agency that oversees the drug development process in a single country, whereas the EMEA is a reviewing body that manages the process in many European nations. In the FDA, drug evaluation applications and the drug development process are monitored by the FDA's own staff.

    Is the EMA better than the FDA? ›

    Overall, 84% of the applications in the cohort were approved on their first submission (“initially approved”) by both the EMA and the FDA, with the EMA having a higher rate of “first review cycle” approval (92%) compared with the FDA (85%).

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    Swissmedic is the national authorisation and supervisory authority for drugs and medical products. The agency ensures that only high-quality, safe and effective medical products are available in Switzerland, thus making an important contribution to the protection of human and animal health.

    Who funds the European Medicines Agency? ›

    The EMA was set up in 1995, with funding from the European Union and the pharmaceutical industry, as well as indirect subsidy from member states, its stated intention to harmonise (but not replace) the work of existing national medicine regulatory bodies.

    What countries does the European Medicines Agency cover? ›

    The EMA serves the EU and three countries from the EEA—Iceland, Norway, and Liechtenstein. The EMA practices pharmacovigilance to ensure the safety and efficacy of medicines.

    Where is the headquarters of the European medicine agency? ›

    The European Medicines Agency (EMA) is a decentralised body of the European Union with headquarters in Amsterdam. Its main responsibility is the protection and promotion of public and animal health, through the evaluation and supervision of medicines for human and veterinary use.

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    HIPAA is a US federal law that governs the privacy and security of Personal Health Information (PHI) in the US. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a legal framework that sets guidelines for the collection and processing of personal information from individuals who live in the European Union (EU).

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    List of national competent authorities in the EEA
    FranceNational Agency for the Safety of Medicine and Health Products
    GermanyFederal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices
    GermanyPaul Ehrlich Institute
    GreeceNational Organization for Medicines
    29 more rows

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    Regulatory Resources in Europe
    • European Medicines Agency (EMA) For Inspections: Compliance - European Medicines Agency.
    • European Heads of Medicines Agencies. ...
    • European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & Healthcare.
    • European Commission: Medicinal products for human use.


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