What Is The Attack In Volleyball? A Spike Hit Tip Or Pass Over The Net (2024)

Table of Contents
What is the attack in volleyball? An attack is a soft tip or hard spike contact hit by a player who sends the ball over the net on the second or third contact. The Attack in VolleyballHere's where beginners who need to learn the basics and are looking to improve their hitting technique would start in the pages below. The Attack in VolleyballLearn how to be a smarter hitter with these tips on how to score points in the front row The Attack in VolleyballLet me teach you what the rules are about hitting and spiking during a game. The Attack in VolleyballThere are a ton of drills we do that you can do in your practices and at home to improve your hitting technique. The Attack in VolleyballHere are some secrets that you should learn about hitting, spiking attacking so you can get more playing time on your team! The Attack in VolleyballYou're definitely going to want to learn about these hitting strategies because they'll help you become the smartest attacker on your team The Attack in VolleyballHere's where you learn the lingo in volleyball about hitting, spiking and attacking The Attack in VolleyballIn this section you'll find all the hitting tips you'll need to become a point scoring starter on your team The Attack in VolleyballFine tune your hitting techniques in this section with the advice you'll find in the pages below. The Attack in VolleyballLearn how to win more matches and games with these hitter tactics you can use in your next competition. The Attack in VolleyballAdopt some of these training procedures and drills to improve your technique The Attack in VolleyballCheck out these spiking videos of players working on hitting drills Read more about volleyball information on ImproveYourVolley.com on these pages. Learn Here How To Start Playing Volleyball In A Short Amount Of Time Buy My Volleyball Book "100 Volleyball Passing Tips For Youth Players" The 16 Most READ Volleyball Articles on Improve Your Volleyball.com New! Comments FAQs References

What is the attack in volleyball? An attack is a soft tip or hard spike contact hit by a player who sends the ball over the net on the second or third contact.

Looking to improve your attack in volleyball? In the hitting and spiking information in the pages below, you'll find pictures and shortsummaries of all the attacking info provided on Improve Your Volley. (Al Case)

What is the attack in volleyball?

An attack can be a

  • soft strategic tip over the block or
  • a hard driven spike down the line,
  • a high hit through the blocker seam,
  • a wipe off the blocker's hands or
  • a hard hit directed cross court
  • backrow attack

by a player who sends the ball over the net usually on the second or third contact in a rally.

The Attack in Volleyball
Here's where beginners who need to learn the basics and are looking to improve their hitting technique would start in the pages below.

How To Spike A Volleyball Learn To Improve Your Attacking Techniques

Learning how to spike a volleyball requires the development of an aggressive attitude, improving your spike approach, and knowing how to increase your armswing speed.

Volleyball Spike: Improve Spiking Power, Armswing and Spike Approach

My volleyball spike tips teach proper hitting technique, how to increase your spiking accuracy, and how to develop a faster armswing for a more powerful hit.

The Attack in Volleyball
Learn how to be a smarter hitter with these tips on how to score points in the front row

The Volleyball Hitter: Learn How To Be The Smart Spiker On Your Team

The volleyball hitter has options for scoring against opponents to score points including tipping the ball deep or short in the court to mix up your attack.

The Attack in Volleyball
Let me teach you what the rules are about hitting and spiking during a game.

Volleyball Attacking Rules: What Is A Spike In Volleyball?

These volleyball attacking rules for the spike govern how an "attack hit" which is any playing action, that is not a serve or is not a block that drives the ball into the opposing court.

The Attack in Volleyball
There are a ton of drills we do that you can do in your practices and at home to improve your hitting technique.

Two Hitting Drills For Volleyball Practice Learn How To Beat The Block

Learn ways to hit to score for points against a double block by aiming for the seam, using the blockers hands and hittingdeep corners.

Volleyball Hitting Drills We Do To Beat the Block, Hit Deep Corners, Mix Up Shots

Learn how to score more points with your spike attack hits!

Hitting Drills for Volleyball How To Beat The Block And Score Points

Learn ways to hit to score for points against a double block by aiming for the seam, using the blockers hands and hittingdeep corners.

The Attack in Volleyball
Here are some secrets that you should learn about hitting, spiking attacking so you can get more playing time on your team!

Using the block is one of the hitting volleyball skills attack minded spikers need to know in order to score more points against blockers in the front row.

The Attack in Volleyball
You're definitely going to want to learn about these hitting strategies because they'll help you become the smartest attacker on your team

The Attack in VolleyballYou're definitely going to want to learn about these hitting strategies because they'll help you become the smartest attacker on your team

Use These Three Smart Volleyball Hitting Strategies To Score Points

Use these smart volleyball hitting strategies: tip the ball short, tip it deep, roll shot, or cut shot when you need to score points in difficult situations.

The Attack in VolleyballYou're definitely going to want to learn about these hitting strategies because they'll help you become the smartest attacker on your team

Your Volleyball Hit Strategy: Do You Need To Hit Hard to Score Points?

If your attacking strategy is to always use a hard volleyball hit did you know that makes you a predictable hitter? Mix up your shots to confuse the defense.

The Attack in VolleyballYou're definitely going to want to learn about these hitting strategies because they'll help you become the smartest attacker on your team

5 Volleyball Strategies on How You Improve Your Volleyball Tipping

5 volleyball strategies on tipping: push the tip into the block, in a joust be last to touch the ball, tip deep, tip on a good set, tip to the middle of the court.

The Attack in Volleyball
Here's where you learn the lingo in volleyball about hitting, spiking and attacking

The Attack in VolleyballYou're definitely going to want to learn about these hitting strategies because they'll help you become the smartest attacker on your team

Basic Volleyball Terms For Spiking: 3 Words For Hitting and Attacking

These basic volleyball terms for spiking are the tool, the wipe and hitting line describe ways that you can hit the ball to score a point or sideout in a game.

What Is The Attack In Volleyball? A Spike Hit Tip Or Pass Over The Net (14)The Attack in VolleyballYou're definitely going to want to learn about these hitting strategies because they'll help you become the smartest attacker on your team

Basic Volleyball Terminology Spikers Hitters and Attackers Learn First

Here's a list of basic volleyball terminology for hitting and spiking that outside hitters, middles and opposites and setters learn first to run their offense.

The Attack in VolleyballYou're definitely going to want to learn about these hitting strategies because they'll help you become the smartest attacker on your team

Two Volleyball Attacking Terms For Outside Middle and Opposite Hitters

The "down ball" and the "free ball" are two volleyball attacking terms used on the court in offense and outside, middle and opposite hitters need to learn.

Four Terms Used in Volleyball Hitting, Attack and Spiking Terminology

The offensive terms used in volleyball hitting attacking and spiking terminology includes the terms kill, cobra, tip and spike which are words players know.

Types of Hits in Volleyball What's The Tool, The Wipe and Hitting Line

There are other names for an attack or hit used in volleyball like 'tool', 'wipe' and 'hitting line' that're 3 types of hits in volleyball used to score points.

Volleyball Hits 10 Types of Spiking Attacking And Hitting Terms

I define spiking and 10 other terms for volleyball hits like kill, spike, tool the block, wipe the block, cross court, spike approach, free ball, down ball.

What Is The Attack In Volleyball? A Spike Hit Tip Or Pass Over The Net (19)Terms For Types of Volleyball Hits Like Kill, Spike, Hit, And Attack

These terms describe what its called when you hit a volleyball specifically the 'kill', 'spike', 'hit' and 'attack' which are 4 diff types of volleyball hits.

The Attack in Volleyball
In this section you'll find all the hitting tips you'll need to become a point scoring starter on your team

14 Spiking in Volleyball Tips That Quickly Improve Your Spike Skills

Improve your spiking in volleyball by mixing up your shots, aim for the block two ways for hitters looking for ways to score against a big opposing block.

2 Dope Volleyball Attack Tips Hitters Use To Score A Ton Of Points

Learning to attack the imperfect set and to hit high off blocker's hands are two volleyball attack tips l coach to players who need effective hitting tactics.

Volleyball Tipping
6 Attack Strategies Outside Hitters Use To Score

The hard volleyball hit is not the only point scoring option a hitter has.

Volleyball tipping is an offensive strategy you can use to vary your attack hits.

What Is The Attack In Volleyball? A Spike Hit Tip Or Pass Over The Net (23)The Attack in VolleyballYou're definitely going to want to learn about these hitting strategies because they'll help you become the smartest attacker on your team

Tips on Volleyball Attacking Win The Joust At The Net Like A Queen

These tips on volleyball attacking explain what to do if you get a ball set too close to the net and you find yourself in a joust with the opposing blocker.

How To Hit Harder Volleyball Attack Tips Hitters Use To Score Points

Learning how to hit harder volleyball attacks with the imperfect set and high off blocker's hands are two effective hitting tactics used to score points.

How To Attack In Volleyball Tipping The Ball With An Open Hand Dink

How to attack in volleyball with my 3 attacking strategies using your open hand dink to put the ball in an open spot so you can vary your attack hits to score.

14 Spiking in Volleyball Tips That Quickly Improve Your Spike Skills

Improve your spiking in volleyball by mixing up your shots, aim for the block two ways for hitters looking for ways to score against a big opposing block

The Attack in Volleyball
Fine tune your hitting techniques in this section with the advice you'll find in the pages below.

Volleyball Spikes Techniques To Attacking The Ball Harder For Points

These techniques describe how to increase the power of your volleyball spikes and what to do before you hit, while you hit and after you hit the ball.

The Attack in Volleyball
Learn how to win more matches and games with these hitter tactics you can use in your next competition.

Attacking Techniques in Volleyball: 7 Skills For Improving Your Spiking

The outside hitter is the left side spiker at the net who is one of the team's offensive weapons who uses these attacking techniques in volleyball to score.

What Is The Attack In Volleyball? A Spike Hit Tip Or Pass Over The Net (29)The Attack in VolleyballYou're definitely going to want to learn about these hitting strategies because they'll help you become the smartest attacker on your team

One Volleyball Attack Tactic That Almost Always Works For Hitters

Here's one volleyball attack tactic you should try which is to "aim the ball for the seam of the block" which is almost always effective when done correctly.

10 Volleyball Hitting Tactics Short Hitters Use Against Big Blockers

These are 10 volleyball hitting tactics that hitters, especially shorter players can rely on hit against and sideout and score against teams with big blockers in the front row.

The Attack in Volleyball
Adopt some of these training procedures and drills to improve your technique


7 Ways A Spiker In Volleyball Can Improve Their Attacking Technique

The outside hitter is the left side spiker in volleyball at the net who is the team's offensive weapon who usually gets the most sets and attack attempts.

The Attack in Volleyball
Check out these spiking videos of players working on hitting drills

In practice during spike training, you should do a lot of drills that teach you how to hitthe ball hard, but you should alsopractice

  • * how totip the ball
  • * how to roll shot the ball
  • * how to tipthe ball sending itdeepin the court as well as being
  • * abletoplace the ball short, rightbehind the block.

When I say "mix up your shots" that means you develop a "bag of tools" or a variety ofways to attack the ball, so that when the block stops yourpower game, or you want to really keep the opposing team guessing,you have the option of using your finesse game to still score points against the opposing team.

I don’t believe in specialization where middle blockers only block, and liberos only dig.

My belief is that whenever possible each player regardless of the position should be skilled enough to perform and/or train all six skills and perform them well. ..

My middle blockers train to be good passers and backcourt players with excellent digging and passing skills. ..

My liberos when possible get hitting and even blocking reps after they’ve done a ton of passing and digging reps. . .

In this drill,each hittertakes an approach jump and hits a controlled 50-65% speed ball to the opposing digger’s general cross court area. . .

Volleyball Attack Information
Where do you need to go now?

Here are three options:

  1. Learn moreabout the volleyball attacking information on Improve Your Volley.com in the Related Links below.
  2. Follow the suggested reading on our Sitemap page Learning How To Play(Sitemap)
  3. Or visit the pages in the Informationsection in thedrop down menu atthetop of the page.

Read more about volleyball information on ImproveYourVolley.com on these pages.

  • Learn Here How To Start Playing Volleyball In A Short Amount Of Time

    Quickly find out how to start playing volleyball with the information I provide you you on basic volleyball skills, tactics and tips on ImproveYourVolley.com.

  • Buy My Volleyball Book "100 Volleyball Passing Tips For Youth Players"

    Coach April Chapple's Volleyball Passing Tips For Youth Volleyball Players is my new volleyball book a pdf download available for liberos and backcourt passers.

  • The 16 Most READ Volleyball Articles on Improve Your Volleyball.com

    Here is the list of the most read volleyball articles on the Improve Your Volleyball website. From this page you can pick and choose which skill you want to learn the most about and go at it. From spiking, setting and blocking to digging passing and serving go get started!

  1. Improve Your Volleyball Performance with Vegas VB Coach April Chapple
  2. Learn Here How To Start Playing Volleball In A Short Amount Of Time
  3. What Is The Attack In Volleyball? A Spike Hit Tip Or Pass Over The Net

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What Is The Attack In Volleyball? A Spike Hit Tip Or Pass Over The Net (2024)


What Is The Attack In Volleyball? A Spike Hit Tip Or Pass Over The Net? ›

An attack can be a spike, tip, set or a hit as an over-the-head contact. The only three outcomes possible when there is an attack attempt are 1) a kill; 2) an attack error; or 3) a zero attack, which is a ball dug by the opponent that stays in play on either side of the net.

What is a spike attack in volleyball? ›

In volleyball, spiking is the offensive play where a player swings the ball with their palm sharply downwards over the net and into the opposing court, making it difficult for the opposing team to recover the ball.

What is tip attack in volleyball? ›

A hand thrust by a player attacking the ball by controlling and directing it with finger tips is called a tip, and formerly, a dink. It is one ball handling play that often falls in the "gray area" of being legal.

What is an attack hit in volleyball? ›

Typically the third contact when a player uses one open hand and swings at the ball to send it over the net is called a “hit/attack/spike”. The player who hits the ball is called the “hitter/attacker/spiker”. These three terms are used interchangeably.

Is it called a spike or a hit? ›


For instance, "spike" and "bump" are commonly misused terms. While "bump, set, spike" has been widely recognized, it is not used in competitive volleyball. The correct term for a spike is "hit," "attack," or "kill" if the ball is terminated. Here is an example of a kill.

What is the spike attack? ›

A Spike attack is an attack by an assailant carrying a sharp-pointed object such as ice picks, needles, and long, thin nails. On the other hand, an edged blade attack is an attack by an assailant carrying cutting objects such as knives and broken glass bottles.

How do you pass a spike in volleyball? ›

In order to properly pass the ball you need to have proper form. Proper bumping form is as follows: Bend your knees and keep your feet shoulder-width apart. Join your hands together, thumbs parallel, and hit the ball with the flat surface of your forearms. Aim to pass the ball high and toward the setter.

Is a tip considered a hit in volleyball? ›

An attack is recorded when a player attempts to attack the ball towards the opponent's side of the court. An attack can be a spike, tip, set or a hit as an over-the-head contact.

Can you tip the ball over the net in volleyball? ›

In 4 person, tipping is legal, including if the team has 3 players in the 4 player league. One may play the ball twice during a volley, but not twice in succession, unless played directly off a block. When a ball touches a boundary line, it is considered good (in-bounds.)

What is an illegal tip in volleyball? ›

A player must be forward facing and feet must be planted, with hips and shoulders square to the net BEFORE, DURING, AND AFTER contact. Anything less is a fault. “Open hand tipping” in outdoor volleyball is illegal. You can NOT redirect or push the ball with an open hand like indoor volleyball players.

What is attack hit? ›

CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ATTACK HIT All actions which direct the ball towards the opponent, with the exception of service and block, are considered as attack hits. During an attack hit, tipping is permitted only if the ball is cleanly hit, and not caught or thrown.

Which hit is illegal in volleyball? ›

An illegal hit is: 1) slapping the ball, 2) bumping the ball with two separated hands (hands must be together), 3) carrying the ball, 4) palming the ball, 5) directing the ball. *NOTE: in order to not be a illegal hit, the ball must leave players hand immediately upon contact of the ball.

Is an attack or hit used in volleyball? ›

SPIKE – Also hit or attack. A ball contacted with force by a player on the offensive team who intends to terminate the ball on the opponent's floor or off the opponent's blocker.

What does 444 mean in volleyball? ›

In volleyball, "444" refers to a rotational system or lineup configuration commonly used by teams. The numbers 4-4-4 represent the player positions in each row on the court.

What is a spike hit in volleyball? ›

In volleyball, a spike is one of the most effective offensive moves. It involves a player jumping and forcefully hitting the ball with an overhead arm swing, intending to drive it down into the opponent's court at a steep angle.

What is a spike ball hit? ›

The ball is put in play with a serve—a hit by the server from behind the service boundary into the net to an opposing player. Once the ball is served players can move anywhere they want. The object of the game is to hit the ball into the net so that the opposing team cannot return it.

What is an illegal spike in volleyball? ›


The receiving team is not allowed to block or spike the serve. (I.e., contact the ball above the top of the net.) A spiker must contact the ball on his/her own side of the net, but may in the course of the follow through reach over (but not touch) the net.

What is the difference between spike and smash in volleyball? ›

Smash or, as it is known in volleyball, the spike is the most commonly used offensive move in the sport. It is a powerful shot that is hit close from the net and aimed downwards into the opposition's court.

What does it mean to spike the ball? ›

New Word Suggestion. In American football when a player scores a touchdown he slams the ball to the ground in the end zone. Also, used a an expression of celebration and victory.

What is spike vs set in volleyball? ›

Many teams have one player known as the setter. It is this person's job to set up teammates for an attack. Setters use their fingertips to push the ball high into the air where an attacker can spike it over the net. Spike: Spiking the ball means hitting it with a lot of force into the other team's court.


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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.