A Week-by-Week C-Section Recovery Timeline (2024)

About one-third of all babies are born via Cesarean section in the United States today, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Yet a C-section delivery—and the recovery that follows—is not covered in much depth in many childbirth classes, if at all.

As parents can attest, it's not easy to recover from a C-section with a newborn while also dealing with postpartum body changes. That's why we rounded up a week-by-week C-section recovery timeline with milestones and guidelines you should know.

We also give C-section aftercare tips to promote speedy healing. Keep in mind that while everyone has a different Cesarean experience, most people fully recover in about six weeks.

C-Section Recovery Timeline

You'll start feeling better in the days after a C-section procedure, but complete recovery takes several weeks. Here's what you can expect.

Day of the C-Section

Immediately after surgery, you'll move to a post-operative area (if your birthing location has one) where you'll remain under observation, with hospital staff monitoring things like bleeding (from your vagin* and incision), blood pressure, and temperature. An IV will deliver fluids and a catheter will help empty your bladder, as the effects of anesthesia will not have worn off yet to enable you to urinate on your own.

At this point, you still won't have sensation in your lower body because of the anesthesia, and you may feel a bit shaky and woozy if you received pain medicine in your IV. The good news: Barring complications, you'll be able to hold (and nurse, if you choose) your baby right away.

If there aren't any complications, your medical team will continue monitoring you for a few hours as your anesthesia wears off. You can start to eat, but will be encouraged to progress slowly from ice chips to liquids (think broth and juice) before moving to solids.

Following your surgery, nurses will massage your uterus to encourage it to contract and shrink to its normal size. (Sadly, this isn't as soothing and spa-like as it sounds.) Depending on the hospital, you might encouraged to get out of your bed, if possible, on the same day. Yes, you just had major abdominal surgery, but the activity will help speed up your C-section healing.

All You Need To Know About Having a C-Section

A Week-by-Week C-Section Recovery Timeline (1)

One Day After C-Section

C-section pain typically spikes 18 hours after delivery. "That's when the pain medication you were given with your spinal anesthesia wears off," says San Diego perinatologist Sean Daneshmand, MD. At that point, you'll be given an oral narcotic—or you may have "patient-controlled analgesia," in which pain medication is delivered through your IV on your own schedule.

If your urinary catheter is not out yet, medical staff will remove it the day after your C-section. After this, you will be encouraged to get out of your bed, as this will help your bowels start moving quicker and prevent gravity-related swelling from building up in your legs. Don't hesitate to ask for assistance as you've just had major abdominal surgery!

You might be given a blood thinner (usually a subcutaneous shot called Lovenox) to prevent blood clots after surgery.

Two Days After C-Section

"After the first day, we recommend increasing activity as rapidly as possible, but do recognize that this may cause C-section pain," says Aaron B. Caughey, MD, a former member of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) committee on obstetrics practice. "Increased physical activity helps with circulation, improves bowel function, and will get you back to baseline sooner."

The Different Reasons for Planned and Emergency C-Sections

You also can shower within a day of your surgery, and doing so helps reduce the risk of infection. Don't scrub your incision, but let the soapy water run over it. (Your bandages will be removed 24-48 hours after surgery and might replaced with small sticky bandages called Steri-Strips; it's fine if these get wet.) Dry the area by gently patting it or using a blow-dryer set on cool.

Prefer to take a bath after a C-section? Unfortunately, submerging yourself in water is only safe once the incision has healed, which is generally seven to 10 days after surgery.

At this point in your C-section recovery timeline, you'll be wearing a pad for postpartum vagin*l bleeding, which may last several weeks following delivery. (Yes, even after a C-section!) This totally normal discharge is called lochia, and it's a combination of leftover blood, mucus, and uterine tissue.

By this point, if not earlier, you're likely eating solid food. Swelling after a C-section is completely normal, and gas pains can be excruciating. They should pass within a week, once your bowels are moving normally again (abdominal surgery causes them to "shut down" temporarily, so pooping after a C-section might not come easy).

In the meantime, taking anti-gas medication and a stool softener will help—and so will walking around. If you can't walk long distances yet, ask your nurse if you can rock in the glider in your room; sometimes the rocking motion can help relieve built-up gas too. Also, use of an abdominal binder can with post-op pain and may enable you to move around better. Your physician might recommend taking simethicone tablets (such as Gas-X), which can help alleviate gas and bloating.

C-Section Scar Care: Your Guide to Helping It Heal

How Long Will I Stay in the Hospital After a C-Section?

People who give birth vagin*lly might stay in the hospital for one or two days, but those who had a C-section typically stay two to four days, barring any complications. After this, your C-section recovery timeline will continue at home.

Four Days After C-Section

Although parents who give birth vagin*lly generally stay in the hospital for one or two days, with a C-section, you may stay two to four days. Of course, the length of your hospital stay will be dependent on your insurance coverage and barring any complications. Before you leave, your doctor will remove your staples if you have them (sutures will dissolve on their own).

You'll be advised on caring for your incision; keeping the wound clean and undisturbed is your best course. "There have not been any good scientific studies demonstrating that any of the over-the-counter preparations are better than just proper wound care," says Rajiv B. Gala, MD, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists' young physician at large.

You'll also be instructed not to lift anything heavier than your baby, and to avoid anything in the vagin*, including penetrative sex (both partnered or solo), menstrual products, and douche products (which should generally be avoided regardless) until after your six-week check-up. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends not placing anything in the vagin* for a few weeks to prevent infection.

Driving right after a C-section is a no-no in certain situations, and so is taking the stairs if it's uncomfortable. You might recruit a partner to move your essentials downstairs if you have a multi-story home—or, at the very least, limit your trips so that you climb stairs only when it's essential.

Signs of Infection After a C-Section

Week Two of C-Section Recovery

You'll see your doctor again for a postpartum check-up to examine your incision, which should not show excessive swelling after C-section, redness, or signs of infection. (If you see these signs, or are running a fever higher than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit, call your doctor.) Discuss any concerns you have, and ask for an update on recommendations regarding activity.

Although you're only two weeks out from a major abdominal surgery, you should expect to feel tremendously better by this stage. But keep in mind that you'll feel C-section pain and cramping for several weeks. "Whether you delivered vagin*lly or by C-section, it takes six weeks for the uterus to contract to its normal size," says Dr. Daneshmand. Resting a heating pad or hot-water bottle on your belly can help—and so can over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen.

You can still expect to look pregnant at this stage (and much longer, for many people) due to laxity of the abdominal wall.

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Week Four of C-Section Recovery

At this point during your C-section healing journey, you'll be moving more swiftly and comfortably, taking longer walks, and noticing your bleeding taper off. But keep your expectations in check.

"Don't compare your recovery to someone else's because our recoveries vary as much as our genetics, and comparisons will only frustrate those who take a bit longer to recover," says Shawn Tassone, MD, an Austin, Texas-based OB-GYN and author of the books Hands Off My Belly! and Spiritual Pregnancy. "Listen to your body, and if things hurt, slow down; if you feel tired, rest as much as you can. And it's OK to take the pain medications prescribed to you by your provider."

Week Six of C-Section Recovery

Good news: Your initial primary healing is done. "Full recovery from an uncomplicated Cesarean section can range between four and six weeks," says Dr. Gala, who notes, "The healthier you are before surgery, the quicker the recovery."

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At this point, Dr. Tassone says, most of your sutures, if you had them, will have been about 50% absorbed, your uterus will be back down to its normal size, and you'll be free to have penetrative sex. "Some people may still have pain if they're bumped along the incision, but for the most part the wound is perfectly healed at this point, and you can resume all normal activities," he says.

Of course, there is still a lot of healing that goes on in your body in the postpartum stage, so be sure to take it easy, rest often, and listen to your body as you adjust to your new life as a parent. And as a general rule of thumb, if at any point in the postpartum process you start to feel worse, not better, call your doctor. You should never suffer in silence, and help is always a phone call away.

Tips for C-Section Recovery

While you may be eager to jump into your new parenting role, keep in mind that you just had major abdominal surgery. These tips can help you feel better faster.

Listen to your doctor's orders. Your health care provider will inform you about C-section recovery tips, which generally include the following:

  • Don't take a bath or go swimming until your incision has healed (about seven to 10 days after surgery)
  • Keep the C-section incision clean and undisturbed
  • Don't lift anything heavier than your baby until after your six-week check-up
  • Avoid putting anything in the vagin* (including menstrual products and penetrative sex) until you get your doctor's go-ahead
  • Don't drive until you get the green light (usually when you're feeling better and off of prescription medications, about two to three weeks after surgery)
  • Avoid stairs if they're uncomfortable
  • Choose comfortable breastfeeding positions

Take pain medication. Ask your provider about the best way to reduce C-section pain. They might give you a prescription painkiller or suggest over-the-counter options. Stool softeners, lidocaine patches (for your incision), heating pads, and ice can also help.

Eat nutritious foods. Not only does a healthy diet fuel your body, it also prevents a common C-section complication: constipation. What's more, if you're breastfeeding, eating right will ensure your newborn is getting nutrients too.

Try light physical activity. After a C-section surgery, walking is important to prevent blood clots, and it also promotes quicker recovery. Ask your doctor about incorporating walking into your week-by-week C-section recovery plan. Avoid lifting weights or doing other strenuous activities.

Ask for help. Recruit your partner, friends, and family members to help with household responsibilities (like laundry and cooking) while you recover. You can also hire someone to assist you.

Limit visitors. Everyone wants to visit your newborn, but it's completely fine to limit visitors while you focus on recovery.

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When to Call the Doctor

On rare occasions, people can experience complications after a C-section. If you have the following symptoms, or any other worrisome health concerns, contact your provider right away (don't wait for your next postpartum check-up):

  • The incision is warm, red, oozing, or swollen (this could signal infection)
  • Painful urination
  • Heavy vagin*l bleeding that doesn't let up
  • Abdominal pain that's new or worsening
  • Pain that's not relieved by medication
  • Fever higher than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Pain, tenderness, warmth, or swelling in one leg, particularly the calf muscle (this can signal a blood clot)
  • Difficulty breathing or chest pain
  • Swelling in the hands, eyes, or face
  • Sudden weight gain
  • Vision changes
  • Four-smelling vagin*l discharge
  • Body aches
  • Swelling and redness of a breast
  • Feelings of sadness, depression, or wanting to harm yourself or your newborn
A Week-by-Week C-Section Recovery Timeline (2024)


What to expect 7 days after C-section? ›

One week after a C-section

Any gas pains should be over by now, as your bowels are back to functioning normally. You may need to continue stool softeners for up to four to six weeks, so keep a bottle on hand. You probably don't need to take pain medication anymore. (Some women don't need any after the first few days.)

What is the hardest day of C-section recovery? ›

After C-Section: The First 24-48 Hours

Again, you've just had major surgery, so fatigue and pain are to be expected. Many women also report experiencing nausea for the first few hours.

What is the timeline for C-section recovery? ›

You should be able to do most of your regular activities in 4 to 8 weeks. Before then: Do not lift anything heavier than your baby for the first 6 to 8 weeks. Short walks are an excellent way to increase strength and stamina.

How long does it take to heal internally after a C-section? ›

You may have some pain in your lower belly and need pain medicine for 1 to 2 weeks. You can expect some vagin*l bleeding for several weeks. You will probably need about 6 weeks to fully recover. It's important to take it easy while the incision heals.

When is the most painful day after C-section? ›

A C-section incision is the most painful for the first three or four days after your surgery. By the time you go home, you should start to feel better. But your incision site will still be tender for about three weeks. Keeping your incision clean and dry will help it heal faster and prevent infection.

How should I feel 8 days after C-section? ›

Your wound will feel sore and bruised for a few weeks. You will need to take pain relief for at least 7–10 days after your c-section. Your midwife or doctor will tell you what pain relief you can take.

What is overdoing it after C-section? ›

It's important that you don't just sit all day—because a little movement can help the healing process—but be careful not to overdo it. Too much activity too soon can stress your body and your incision and could cause a setback in your recovery.

How do I know my C-section is healing inside? ›

Once you can visualize the incision, you can start keeping an eye on how it's healing. The coloration of the c-section scar should start to fade from red to pink, and it should look pretty uniform. The c-section scar should become less tender to the touch as this happens.

How to get rid of hanging belly after a C-section? ›

Exercise, diet, proper posture, and body mechanics effectively prevent and manage belly overhang. Women struggling with severe belly overhang may also consider cosmetic procedures, such as a tummy tuck, to improve their appearance and feel more confident in their bodies.

How to speed up C-section recovery? ›

To help with healing:
  1. Get enough rest. It's important to keep moving after a C-section, but you also need to get enough rest. ...
  2. Seek pain relief. Your healthcare professional might suggest ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others), acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) or other medicines to relieve pain.
Mar 6, 2024

How to fix a C-section pooch? ›

Tummy Tuck: A Tummy Tuck removes excess skin and fat from the abdomen and tightens the abdominal muscles. This is the most definitive procedure to get rid of the C-section scar and pooch. Liposuction: Liposuction removes fat from specific areas of the body.

How long will my stomach be swollen after a C-section? ›

Some swelling after a c-section is completely normal—chalk it up to the IV fluids during surgery and those post-pregnancy hormones—and should go down after a week or so. The more you walk and move around, the more readily your body will get rid of all that extra fluid.

How long after C-section will my belly go down? ›

You'll likely lose much of that weight over two months after giving birth as your uterus shrinks and your body flushes out the remaining fluids. Nonetheless, your body could take anywhere from six to nine months postpartum—and in some cases, as long as two years—to return to pre-pregnancy weight.

What is the golden hour after C-section? ›

If you're unclear what the golden hour is, it's the period immediately following birth where baby and parent bond. In ideal circ*mstances, your baby should be placed skin-to-skin on your chest and remain there undisturbed for the first one to two hours.

When can I start lay on my side after a C-section? ›

When you can lay on your side after a c-section will all depend on your body. You may find it painful while your wound is healing. If it's comfortable, you may be able to lay on your side straight away.

Is it OK to go for a walk 1 week after C-section? ›

Walking after c-section is encouraged and should be your go to for the first few weeks. You'll start to notice day to day movement getting easier and less discomfort lifting baby or moving around.

How do I know if I ripped my internal stitches C-section? ›

This pain may be sharp or throbbing and may not be alleviated by prescribed pain medication. A sudden increase in discharge, particularly if it is foul-smelling, yellow, or green, can be a sign of infection and internal stitches rupture.

Can I bend down a week after C-section? ›

When Can I Start Bending After C -Section? As your body heals and the pain decreases when you move around, you can slowly try bending (between weeks 4 and 6). First, bend slowly up to a few inches and stand back up. When you straighten up, you will Stretch yourself to get up.

Is it normal to have pain in stitches after 7 days of C-section? ›

Moving, stretching, lifting, cleaning, and cooking can cause pain. After a C-section, moms are often given medications to dull the incision pain, but this does not mean increased activity will not cause further pain or ripped sutures. Constipation and gas can also cause pain in the area of the incision.


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