Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Rings (2024)


  • 1 Rings
    • 1.1 Ring of Accuracy
    • 1.2 Ring of Arcana
    • 1.3 Ring of Elements
    • 1.4 Ring of Energy
    • 1.5 Ring of Evasion
    • 1.6 Ring of Force
    • 1.7 Ring of Furor
    • 1.8 Ring of Haste
    • 1.9 Ring of Might
    • 1.10 Ring of Sharpshooting
    • 1.11 Ring of Tenacity
    • 1.12 Ring of Wealth
  • 2 History

Rings are an item type that provides various passive bonuses. Up to 2 rings can be worn at any time - one on the ring slot, and one on the slot shared with artifacts.

Although several of the rings in Shattered Pixel Dungeon kept the same name from the original game, the effects of most of them are at least slightly modified. Additionally, all rings now provide an effect even if they're at base +0 level.

The severity of cursed ring's power depends on their upgrade level. And even though there are no more cursed items with negative upgrades in Shattered PD, cursed rings will mimic that effect on low levels:

  • +0 rings will act as -3
  • +1 rings will act as -2
  • +2 rings will act as -1
  • +3 and higher rings will provide no effect.

Rings are automatically identified after gaining one level's worth of experience while wearing it. [1]


Ring of Accuracy []

Modified Ring of Accuracy

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Rings (1)

Ring of Accuracy
This ring increases your focus, making it easier for your attacks to find their mark. A cursed ring will instead make it harder for your attacks to connect.
When worn, this ring will increase your accuracy by X%.

This ring boosts your accuracy, increasing the chance to hit with melee attacks and thrown weapons.

Accuracy Boost

Ring of Arcana[]

Ring of Arcana
This ring enhances magical enchantments on weapons and glyphs on armor, including curses! It first increases activation chance, and then increases the strength of the effect once activation chance is 100%. A cursed ring will instead weaken enchantments, glyphs, and curses.
When worn, this ring will increase the power of enchantments and glyphs by X%.

This ring increases proc rate of enchantments, glyphs and curses on weapons and armor, the multiplier stacks with Enraged Catalyst. If the proc chance exceeds 100% or the enchantment/glyph always procs by default, the rings now increases power of the effect (damage dealt by Blazing, extra reach given by Projecting, etc.). In case of Projecting specifically, the extra reach is rounded to the nearest whole number, so the ring needs to be at least +2 to have any effect.

Enchantment proc rate & power multiplier

Ring of Elements[]

Modified Ring of Elements

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Rings (2)

Ring of Elements
This ring provides resistance to most elemental and magical effects, decreasing damage and debuff duration. Naturally a cursed ring will instead worsen these effects.
When worn, this ring will provide X% elemental resistance.

This ring directly reduces the duration and damage taken from debuffs.

Effectiveness of Resisted Sources

Damage/Duration from the following sources are multiplied by the corresponding multiplier in the table above when appropriate:

Magic AttacksDebuff (Duration)Debuff (Damage)BlobsTrapsSelf inflicted wand damage
DM-100Gnoll shamanDwarf warlockDeathgazesBright FistDark FistChillCharmFrostParalysisWeaknessVulnerableHexDegradeBurningOozePoisonCorrosionElectricityToxic gasDisintegrationGrimLightningTransfusion

Ring of Energy[]

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Rings (3)

Ring of Energy
Your magical equipment will recharge more quickly in the arcane field that radiates from this ring. A cursed ring will instead slow recharge.
When worn, this ring will increase wand, artifact, and heroic armor charge speed by Y%.

This ring directly reduces the amount of time it takes to recharge 1 charge for wands and the Mage's staff. It also reduces the amount of time it takes for artifacts and the armor ability.


+100% represents halved recharge time.

Ring of Evasion []

Modified Ring of Evasion

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Rings (4)

Ring of Evasion
This ring quickens the wearer's reactions, making it harder to land blows on them. A cursed ring will instead make the user easier to strike.
When worn, this ring will increase your evasion by X%.

The Hero's natural (unmodified) evasion is multiplied, making them harder to hit.

Natural evasion multiplier

Ring of Force[]

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Rings (5)

Ring of Force
This ring enhances the force of the wearer's blows. This extra power is largely wasted when wielding weapons, but an unarmed attack will be made much stronger. A degraded ring will instead weaken the wearer's blows.
When unarmed, at your current strength, this ring will deal X-Y damage. With a weapon equipped, this ring will increase damage by Z.

This ring increases the Hero's melee damage by ringLevel + 1.The increase is is most noticible on very fast, low damage weapons.However, even for these weapons you are better off upgrading the weapon directly.

When no weapon is equipped, the ring instead acts as a weapon appropriate for the Hero's strength.It keeps scaling even as strength exceeds 18, although each point of STR past that point only increases the damage by half of the usual amount.At 19 strength, the ring has better scaling than any actual weapon except for Flail and Glaive and it can grow even with Strongman talend and Ring of Might.This raw power comes at a cost of not being able to augment or enchant it.

Unarmed damage and scaling with RoF based on Hero's Strength
Base DMG1-101.5-12.52-152.5-17.53-203.5-22.54-254.5-27.55-305.5-31.256-32.5

Total damage is always rounded to the nearest whole number

The Duelist can use this ring (even when unidentified, immediately giving away the ring type) to toggle the Brawler's Stance.In it, she acts as unarmed even when a weapon is equipped and the ring takes on the augment and enchantment of the equipped weapon.

Ring of Furor[]

Modified Ring of Haste

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Rings (6)

Ring of Furor
This ring grants the wearer an inner fury, allowing them to attack more rapidly. A cursed ring will instead slow the wearer's speed of attack.
When worn, this ring will increase the speed of your attacks by X%.

This ring simply increases the Hero's attack speed, be it melee or ranged by a certain percentage.

Attack speed modifier

While the ring provides a decent damage increase, you are usually better off upgrading your weapon when you only care about damage. To see how many upgrades you should put into a weapon before upgrading the ring, check the Weapon-Furor upgrade split tool (v2.0). However, this ring can make your enchantment and other on hit effect proc much more frequently and generate combo points much faster if you are playing as the Gladiator. It's also very powerful for the Huntress, as it can directly boost the damage output of her spirit bow, just like a ring of sharpshooting.

A+4 ring almost precisely cancels the slowness of a Spear/Glaive or Damage Augment. This removes their big disadvantage of attacks taking more than 1 turn.

Ring of Haste[]

Modified Ring of Haste

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Rings (7)

Ring of Haste
This ring reduces the stress of movement on the wearer, allowing them to run at superhuman speeds. A degraded ring will instead weigh the wearer down.
When worn, this ring will increase your movement speed by X%.

This ring increases user's movement speed, enabling them to easily escape from many dangers. It also makes it easier to attack the enemy from a safe distance. The effect stacks with other speed-boosting methods.

Movement speed multiplier

It's worth noting that a +0 ring cancels the speed penalty imposed by wearing an armor that's one strength point too heavy for you, and each successive upgrade on the ring will allow it to cancel the speed penalty from an additional point of encumbrance; a +3 ring will allow a Hero with 10 strength to equip +0 mail armor with no speed penalty (but it won't block anything due to the strength deficit, however).

At +3, the wearer will be able to kite even fast enemies like sewer crabs and vampire bats.

Ring of Might[]

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Rings (8)

Ring of Might
This ring enhances the physical traits of the wearer, granting them greater physical strength and constitution. A degraded ring will weaken the wearer.
When worn, this ring will increase your strength by X and your max HP by Y%.

Equipping a ring of might increases your strength and adds a multiplier to your health.


This ring can easily be identified by checking your strength and HP for any sudden increases when equipped. It's arguably one of the most harmful cursed rings to equip, for a +0 cursed ring will reduce your strength by 2, forcing you to effectively downgrade your equipment or suffer massive encumbrance penalties.

Ring of Sharpshooting[]

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Rings (9)

Ring of Sharpshooting
This ring enhances the wearer's precision and aim, which will make all projectile weapons more damaging and durable. A cursed ring will have the opposite effect.
When worn, this ring will boost the damage of your thrown weapons as if their level was increased by X, and will increase their durability by Y%.

While this does not increase accuracy, it instead effectively upgrades your thrown weapons, giving them boosted damage and durability. The damage boost is the same as what they would get regularly through upgrading them directly, but the durability boost is smaller. It's also very powerful for the Huntress, as it can directly boost the damage output of her spirit bow.

At +9, most thrown weapons gain effectively unlimited uses.


Ring of Tenacity[]

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Rings (10)

Ring of Tenacity
When worn, this ring will allow the wearer to resist normally mortal strikes. The more injured the user is, the more resistant they will be to damage. A degraded ring will instead make it easier for enemies to execute the wearer.
When worn, this ring will reduce the damage you take by up to X%.

This ring grants the Hero resistance to all forms of damage proportional to how low their health is. The exact resistance depending on ring level and missing health can be seen in this graph.

It's worth noting that the resistance is applied after armor and the damage is rounded up and thus it will never be reduced to 0. This makes it very difficult to use this ring effectively as you have to be on low health to get a significant damage reduction. It however synergizes well with the Berserker subclass or a vampiric weapon, as they benefit from staying at low health and provide additional survivability.

Ring of Wealth[]

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Rings (11)

Ring of Wealth
It's not clear what this ring does exactly, good luck may influence the life of an adventurer in many subtle ways. Naturally a degraded ring would give bad luck.
When worn, this ring will increase your luck by X%.

Unlike other rings, this ring doesn't boost Hero's attributes, nor does it empower any of their equipment. Instead, it causes enemies to drop items more often and, every once in a while, allows the wearer to find an unexpected loot after killing an enemy or opening a container.

Drop rate multiplier

This makes enemy drops significantly more common or even guaranteed. On the other hand, a cursed ring of wealth can prevent a normally guaranteed drop from spawning. This fortunately doesn't affect quest items and drops from bosses.

The more interesting part about the ring of wealth, however, is its reward system. The ring of wealth has an invisible counter, which starts at a random number between 0 and 20, chosen using normal distribution. The counter counts down by 15 when a boss is killed, 5 when a miniboss is killed and by 1 when any other enemy is killed or a container is looted. When it reaches 0, a random reward is dropped. This can be either a piece of equipment (every 5 to 10 drops) or a consumable (the rest of time). The drop is accompanied by a flash of light with the color depending on the quality of the reward.

Consumable drops

The ring of wealth provides a vast variety of consumables; ones found in the dungeon as well as ones only obtainable through alchemy. Depending on how valuable they are, consumable drops can be of low, medium or high quality. Low quality drops are accompanied by a green flash, medium quality ones by a blue flash and high quality ones by a purple flash.

Low quality drops:

  • Gold pile (50% less gold), random Runestone, random Potion, random Scroll

Medium quality drops:

  • 2 random low quality drops, exotic variant of a random Potion, exotic variant of a random Scroll, Arcane or Alchemical Catalyst, Bomb, Honeypot

High quality drops:

  • 2 random medium quality drops, Potion of Experience, Scroll of Transmutation, Stone of Enchantment
Consumable quality by ring of wealth level (%)
Low6056524844403632282460 - 4n
Medium30323436384042444648 -|2n - 30| + 60
High1012141618202224262810 + 2n

Equipment drops

The ring of wealth can produce a random weapon (twice as common as other equipment types), armor, ring or artifact, but never a wand. Equipment drops are accompanied by a purple flash just like a high-value consumable drop, and +2 or higher level items have an orange one.

Equipment generated by a +0 ring has the same likelihood of being upgraded or enchanted as one randomly generated in the dungeon, but it can never be cursed. If the ring is upgraded, equipment items other than artifacts have increased minimum upgrade level. This level can become higher than the default level cap of 2, allowing the ring to generate items with level +3 or even higher. Weapons and armors also have a boosted chance to have an enchantment or a glyph.

Additionally, each ring of wealth upgrade increases the floor used for calculating item tiers for rewards by 1, which makes higher tier weapons and armor more likely to drop the more the ring is upgraded.

Equipment quality by ring of wealth level
Minumum level+0+1+1+2+2+3+3+4+4+5(1 + n)/2
Enchantment chance (%)1019283746556473829110 + 9n
Glyph chance (%)1524324149586675839215 + 8.5n

A second Ring of Wealth can contribute no more than 2 levels (i.e. a +1 ring) when calculating wealth bonus for dropped equipment equips. This is to prevent it being possible to endlessly increase Ring of Wealth level by farming pairs of high level Rings of Wealth.


v0.9.1Ring of Energy Changes:
  • Bonus artefact charging: 10% → 15%
v0.8.2Ring of Wealth Changes:
  • Regular drops reduced: 25% → 20%
  • Rare drops are more frequent: every 0-30 kills → every 0-25 kills
  • Rare equipment drops are more frequent: every 5-10 drops → every 4-8 drops
  • Less ring levels needed for increments to equipment minimum level: +1/4/9/16/25 ring level → +1/3/6/10/15 ring level
v0.8.1Ring of Wealth Changes:
  • Regular drops boosted: 20% → 25%
  • Drops increase in value, not frequency, as the ring levels
  • Removed guaranteed +0 weapons/armor from special drops
  • Added new vfx to special drops to indicate how rare a drop was.
  • Ring of Energy charge bonus increased by 20%.
  • Ring of Wealth reward drop rate increased by 20%, and rare reward drop rate increased by 33%.
  • Ring of elements now grants +20%/level resistance, up from +16%/level. However, it no longer applies to melee attacks from magic-wielding enemies.
  • Ring of Wealth can no longer generate items blocked by challenges.
  • Ring of wealth reworked. Now awards special drops 50% more often and awards a greater variety of items. Drops have a 10% chance to award a high-value item.
  • Level cap changes to wraiths and minion enemies prevent them from dropping ring of wealth drops.
  • Rings now show exactly how they affect you in a similar way to how other equipment gives direct stats.
  • Ring of energy simplified/buffed. Previous effect replaced with a flat +20%/level recharge boost.
  • Ring of Sharpshooting no longer applies a mulitplier to thrown weapon damage, instead applies a bonus based on the missile weapon's scaling.
  • Ring of wealth "luck" bonus increased to +20%/level, up from +15%/level.
  • Ring of Elements bonus increased to +16%/level, up from +12.5%/level.
  • Ring of furor now grants a flat +10.5%/level attack speed bonus, replacing previous behavior.
  • Ring of force no longer applies bonus damage to thrown weapons.
  • Ring of Sharpshooting behavior scrapped. Now increases thrown weapon damage and durability.
  • Ring of elements always grants resistance to applicable sources of damage, but resistance amount is dependent on level.
  • Ring of elements applies to more effects, and can reduce the duration of certain debuffs.
  • Ring of evasion no longer multiplies with other evasion boosts, instead is additive.
  • Ring of evasion no longer grants stealth.
  • Ring of Energy added.
  • Rings are now found at +0, down from +1, but are more powerful to compensate.
  • Curses no longer directly affect ring upgrades; it is now impossible to find negatively upgraded rings.
  • Cursed rings are now always harmful regardless of their level until the curse is cleansed.
  • Scrolls of Upgrade have a chance to remove curses on a ring, and Scrolls of Remove Curse will always remove the curse
  • Ring of Wealth no longer grants any benefits to item spawns when levels are generated; instead has a chance to generate extra loot when defeating enemies.
  • Ring of Might max health boost reduced from +5/upgrade to +3.5%/upgrade.
  • Ring of Furor speed bonus reduced by ~15% for slow weapons.
  • Ring of Wealth slightly more effective
  • Ring of Sharpshooting grants slightly more accuracy.
  • Ring of Force weaker at 18+ strength, stronger otherwise.
  • Ring of Tenacity reduces more damage.
  • Ring of Wealth secret rewards adjusted.
  • Ring of Evasion now works consistently.
  • 7 rings removed and replaced with artifacts:
    • Ring of Shadows -> Cloak of Shadows
    • Ring of Satiety -> Horn of Plenty
    • Ring of Mending -> Chalice of Blood
    • Ring of Thorns -> Cape of Thorns
    • Ring of Haggler -> Master Thieves' Armband
    • Ring of Naturalism -> Sandals of Nature
  • 6 new rings added:
    • Ring of Force
    • Ring of Furor
    • Ring of Might
    • Ring of Tenacity
    • Ring of Sharpshooting
    • Ring of Wealth
  • Remaining 4 rings tweaked or reworked entirely:
    • Ring of Accuracy
    • Ring of Elements
    • Ring of Evasion
    • Ring of Haste
Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Rings (2024)


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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

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Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.